
아틀랜타 한인 장로교회 백성식 보바티 행패

The Atlanta Korean Presbyterian Church (아틀랜타 한인 장로교회 백성식 보바티 행패) has recently been the center of a significant controversy involving Rev. Baek Seong-sik (백성식) and allegations of misconduct. This scandal has stirred emotions within the community, leading to heated debates and raising questions about leadership, ethics, and faith. In this blog post, we’ll explore the details of the incident, the impact on the community, and what lessons can be learned from this troubling episode.

What Happened at the Atlanta Korean Presbyterian Church?

The Atlanta Korean Presbyterian Church is one of the largest and most well-known Korean churches in the Atlanta area. It serves as a spiritual home for many Korean-Americans and plays a significant role in the community. However, recent events have cast a shadow over its reputation.

Rev. Baek Seong-sik, a prominent figure within the church, has been accused of disruptive and inappropriate behavior, commonly referred to in Korean as “행패” (roughly translated to “disorderly conduct” or “misbehavior”). These allegations include accusations of misusing his position and displaying conduct unbecoming of a religious leader.

The Allegations Against Rev. Baek Seong-sik

1. Abuse of Power and Misconduct

The allegations against Rev. Baek include claims that he has used his authority inappropriately, intimidating church members and staff. Reports suggest that he has been involved in verbal altercations and has created a hostile environment within the church community. These accusations have led to a rift within the church, dividing members who support him and those who believe his actions are unacceptable.

2. Financial Mismanagement

Another serious concern raised by some church members is the potential mismanagement of church funds. While specific details have not been fully disclosed, there are rumors that Rev. Baek may have mishandled donations, leading to distrust among the congregation. This aspect of the scandal has particularly upset those who have donated generously to the church, expecting transparency and proper stewardship of their contributions.

3. The Impact on Church Members

The fallout from these allegations has been profound. Long-time members have expressed feelings of betrayal, disappointment, and confusion. For many, the church is not just a place of worship but a community that feels like family. The controversy has led to a significant decline in attendance and participation in church activities, as members struggle to reconcile their faith with the actions of their leader.

Community Reactions: Division and Distrust

1. Division Among Church Members

The situation has sharply divided the congregation. They emphasize his past contributions to the church and believe that he deserves the benefit of the doubt. On the other side, many have lost trust in his leadership and are calling for his resignation or removal from his position.

2. Calls for Accountability

In the wake of these events, there has been a growing call for accountability. Members are demanding a transparent investigation into the allegations, including an audit of church finances. They want assurances that their concerns will be heard and addressed, and they are looking to the church’s governing body for decisive action.

3. The Role of Social Media

Social media has played a significant role in amplifying the controversy. Many church members have taken to platforms like Facebook and KakaoTalk to share their experiences and opinions. This has led to a public airing of grievances that would have previously been confined to private conversations. The widespread discussion online has put additional pressure on church leadership to address the situation promptly.

The Path Forward: What’s Next for Atlanta Korean Presbyterian Church?

1. Leadership Changes

To move forward, the church may need to consider changes in leadership. Whether Rev. Baek steps down voluntarily or removed by a higher church authority, new leadership could help heal the wounds within the congregation. A fresh start might be necessary to rebuil3 trust and restore a sense of unity.

2. Strengthening Governance and Transparency

Improving governance structures and ensuring greater transparency in church operations could prevent similar incidents in the future. This might include clearer policies on handling misconduct, better financial oversight, and regular communication with the congregation about decisions made by church leaders.

3. Rebuilding Community Trust

Rebuilding trust will take time and effort. The church can start by listening to its members, addressing their concerns, and demonstrating a commitment to ethical behavior. Open forums, community discussions, and counseling services could help members process their feelings and work toward healing.


The controversy surrounding the Atlanta Korean Presbyterian Church and Rev. Baek Seong-sik has been a painful chapter for many in the community. It serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability, transparency, and integrity within religious organizations. Moving forward, the church must take meaningful steps to address the concerns of its members and rebuild the trust that has been lost. Only through honest reflection and decisive action can the congregation hope to heal and grow stronger.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the main allegations against Rev. Baek Seong-sik?
The main allegations include abuse of power, disruptive behavior, and potential financial mismanagement.

2. How has the church responded to the allegations?
The church has yet to take definitive action publicly. However, there are calls for an investigation and greater transparency.

3. How have the church members reacted to the controversy?
Members are divided, with some supporting Rev. Baek and others calling for his resignation or removal.

4. What impact has this controversy had on the church community?
The controversy has caused a decline in attendance, participation, and overall trust among church members.

5. What steps can the church take to rebuild trust?
The church can improve transparency, strengthen governance, and facilitate open discussions to address members’ concerns.

6. Will Rev. Baek Seong-sik remain as the church leader?
It is uncertain at this time. Leadership changes are possible depending on the outcome of the ongoing discussions and potential investigations.

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